Zeno Photo

Pasquale Zeno's photography is melodious, in movement, in harmony with everything: fresh, vivid, vibrant images that are never excessive. Your wedding will be told as an immense love story without space or time, immortal over the years, engraved in history. Like two satellites that never intersect their orbits, the wedding universe and the artistic one gravitate around the planet of love. But what if we told you that there is a modern Demiurge that manages to shape one and the other and merge them into a composite unicum? That person is Pasquale Zeno, the photographer of your big day! ZENO PHOTO SAS Via Augusto Righi 25 Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) +39 0823.798258 zenopasquale@libero.it www.studiofotograficozeno.com