Sicily in Travel

Visit Sicily Tailor Made Travel Sicily in travel takes care of organising your tailor-made trip, we offer all types of services such as Hotel, Transfer, Rentals, Excursions and customised Tours. We consider ourselves TRAVEL DESIGNERS because we do not have predefined tours but we prefer to build together with the customer the perfect trip they want based on their needs and desires. Sicily in Travel provides all the services that a tourist, on holiday in Sicily , may need. The strongness of the company is to be based on the island (which the staff knows very well) which has allowed the company to select throughout the years the best services available on the tourist market. We always prefered to welcome small groups and consequently our tours are always niche-oriented and never mass. As our goal is to offer a special trip, our accommodation facilities selected are real gems in Sicily , our excursions are real experiences and all others services are high quality certified. Come ...