MExTE Eventi

Wedding planner in Tuscany for a unforgettable wedding in a unique territory!

MExTE Eventi for your unique, professional and personalized wedding in Maremma Toscana characterized by uncontaminated nature, quite and excellent food and wine.

MExTE eventi, Maria and Elena agency’s, organize and coordinate services for wedding in the south of Tuscany, unique territory that allows to have marvelous naturalistic sceneries. 

Our local collaborators offer availability and professional mood to help us to create perfect events and to follow our clients, that become real guests.

Maria and Elena will be always with you for needs, from the first meeting up to the term of the ceremony, to coordinate the various services and to assist you in every demand.

Those are only some of our services: organization of the civil marriage, search of the location, floral decorations, entertainment and shows, reception, transfer and accomodation of guests, planning of mise en table and creation of tableau de mariage.
Via del Bivio 2/A 
Montemerano - 58014 Manciano (GR)  
+39 348.3883185

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