Nadia Galimberti Singer & Music Planner

I take everything TO HEART... as if... “I'm getting married too” ! I am Nadia Galimberti Singer & Music Planner : I SING, I PLAN, I MANAGE, and I GIVE ADVICE. And I am a V ERSATILE, CREATIVE, EMPATHETIC, REASSURING, and ORGANISED professional. FLUENT IN ENGLISH These strengths make my work particularly Personalised . BEING like this leads to ACTING like this! I take everything TO HEART... as if... “I'm getting married too” 😊 While I talk to Clients, I LISTEN and I FEEL . I identify myself with ENTHUSIASM, and new IDEAS arise, which arise from CONNECTING with These People . Not the ones before, not the ones after. And then, it takes RESPECT : for their Style , their Identity , and their Wishes . I take into account needs and preferences, considering my experience since 1994 . Furthermore, having lived in London for 2 years , I can manage events in English . However, Respect is not enough; ORGANIZATION is also needed: I like that, once the...